It is Sunday afternoon. I woke up late but I am suppose to do some work from home. Unfortunately, my body is saying to rest and maybe play. Where do I go?
I am feeling lonely. I have the following options: go out to a mall and have an eye candy, go to Melbourne downtown look for a sauna and be sleezy or look for an online date to be either sleezy and become friends with an anoymous person.
It really feels like all the options sucks but anyone would say that the best one to choose is to go online and start to chat. Apparently I am here blogging.
The best gift that technological minds gave humanity is internet. It is the best place to be anonymous especially for a discreet gay person like me. Yes, it is fun especially when you score. But at the end of the day, are we all happy.
Is there such thing as Internet Dating amonst the gay community. There are websites such as gay.com or gay.com.au. I feel that these sites are just glorified sex beats. Several sites was recommended to me and I was told there are serious gay men there. However, look at their profiles, Gay White Man looking for friendship, relationship, lifetime partner and the famous keyword on gay internet: "fun."
In case you would be interested here is a sample of what is happening from a main chat room:
wascally1:Guy in the west looking for some fun now, can host or travel
benz16:hi guys
coqseeqer:CBD lookin for fun
drekky:hey all
teejay81:anyone like a dirty chat pm me?
drekky:any fellas here interested in getting together tonight? pvt if your interested
Regardless what website I post my website, I think I tend to scare gay chatters with the profile I post. This is because of the deepness and seriousness of the description I write. When I say serious, I mean I write what my heart says. When asked what I am looking for, I state my prefrences and I avoid being discriminate. The only downside is I don't have a picture. Sigh. Well, I am discreet after all right? So what are my chances of getting a serious date. Honestly? I don't know.
I do get some replies from Internet chatters telling me that they liked my profile. One would think that is the start of a genuine internet dating however spend more time expanding the chat - it is always about sex. What is happening is that gay men fit their persona or internet personalities to what you write in your profile.
I had sexual encounters with men from the internet. But it always ends there - sex. Conversations wasn't the option even if I choose to. It is either this men are afraid of intimacy or they treat all gays who chat on the internet as sleazy. It boils down to judgements which eventually with the one judging the sexual partner judged himself as well.
I tell you when I meet my Mr. Right. I will be also telling my experience with him. There is no space for judgements as this is in the past and everyone goes through a process. I just wish Mr. Right finds this lost blog or finds me physically in the flesh.
Oh well. Sunday. Afternoon. Where do I go. Do I log-in or drive out?