Thursday, November 6, 2008

Subtly Lusting Your Dentist

Today was my scheduled filling of a not so bad tooth. Dr. Aussie Dentist (let me refer him as Dr. ADND) took care of it and did a perfect job. By any gay standards, he would not be that really "hot." He conducts himself as a very blokey person and my intuition he has a real feminine side. He is short, has a very hard Australian accent and always attaches the word mate to every sentence he says.

Dr. ADND is well presented and clean looking. Not handsome but cute (but not overly). Best of all he is masculine. He wore a transparent mask this morning and had really the chance to see his face and neck.

I guess I really miss the intimate and fuzzy feeling of being touched. So every time part of his hand/shoulders touches me, I really felt that tingling sensation. (Lusting you might say.) He had one time have to peek trhough my upper tooth and he had to lay his head over my chest. Wow! The uncomfy feeling sitting in a dentist chair wasn't umcomfy after all!

My taste for men are very interesting. Masculinity is tops for me. Standards of most gays don't apply to me really. What attracts me the most is the invisible and possible chemsitry between me and man infront of me.

But is it lusting that I was feeling? Partly yes and Partly no. One thing is for sure, I miss intimacy.

It will be six months till I meet Dr. ADND. Sigh.

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